WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. The John Muir Award Images: John Muir Award logo, Cairngorms National Park Authority logo The John Muir Award Images: John Muir Award logo, colour photo of climber standing on rock pinnacle …is an environmental Award scheme focused on wild places. It encourages the discovery and conservation of wild places, in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration. It is non-competitive and open to all. John Muir Award Ethos Images: John Muir Award logo, CNPA logo • Open & welcoming to all • Non-competitive • Focused on wild places • Challenging & progressive • Fun & adventure • Opportunity to explore values & spirituality How does it work? 4 Challenges … Images: John Muir Award logo, CNPA logo • Discover a wild place (or places) • Explore its wildness and natural characteristics • Conserve -take some personal responsibility for it • Share these experiences These themes run through a programme of activity -not separate boxes to be ticked e.g. ‘today is Explore day’ Can be different places, linked with a theme e.g. journey, coastal… 3 Levels… Images: John Muir Award logo, CNPA logo • Discovery Award Introductory Level 4 days or equivalent time commitment • Explorer Award Intermediate Level 8 days or equivalent time commitment • Conserver Award Advanced Level 20 days over 6 months Time guidance as a MINIMUM All 4 Challenges addressed at each Level John Muir Award and Community Learning and Development Images: John Muir Award logo, CNPA logo National Priorities ..Achievement through learning for adults ..Achievement through learning for young people ..Achievement through building community capacity Policy Areas ..Social inclusion ..Lifelong learning ..Active citizenship ..Health improvement Images: John Muir Award logo, CNPA logo • Princes Trust •NCH • White Mountain Dreams • St Fitticks • National Trust for Scotland • British Trust for Conservation Volunteers • WEA Reach Out Project • Lagganlia • Walk Deeside • Big Issue • Fairbridge • Wild Things!